Its been one year…

What a year it’s been!

It was a year ago today when I started Finding Westport.
I knew it was going to keep me busy,
I knew it was going to challenge me,
I knew it was going to be a good thing
… little did I know then,
it was going to take me to places I was never expecting to go.

I have been told in the past, “Jillian, when something comes to you, take it and run!” Thats exactly what I did. First I fell in love, second I couldn’t find answers to my many questions. Then Finding Westport came to life. Here is my story.

I know a lot of people have contacted me asking me who I was in the beginning. I was anonymous for a while because I didn’t know what it was going to become of the site and being an outsider, I didn’t how how the reception was going to be. I followed my vision and brought it to life, with the listings, and photo of the week. After all, I am here to show the world Westport! After a few months I was getting requests for Wilton, Weston, Easton and Fairfield. I am growing the platform to Bridgeport, Norwalk, New Canaan, Darien, Stamford and Greenwich. Since I am doing the design work for logos and web, advertising, it is taking me a bit longer than expected. When I started Finding Westport I never thought I would get requests for so many towns!

Sunrise at Compo Beach, March 2018

When I first thought of Finding Westport, it didn’t have a name. I was heading up to Acaida National Park for a photoshoot when something was telling me to take the information I was looking for and go with it. (I don’t live in the area yet, and I had a lot of questions but no answers). The first thing I had to do was come up with a name. “Explore Westport” “Westport Wonders” “I heart Westport” are all ones that came to mind, but I kept on coming back to one… “Finding Westport” – You see, Westport and I found each other one day two years ago when I was in the wrong lane. When I returned home, I was looking for a blog that I could learn more about Westport and what it has to offer with small business and real estate and couldn’t find one.

Town of westport, saugatuck river
One of my photos was featured by the Town of Westport Instagram page in June.

I had a few hours to think about content. I worked with a blog before and they used my photography for a photo of the week and to help illustrate articles. I wanted to give back and help other photographers who are looking to help get their name out there. I also wanted to help with small business, real estate, and community. My goal is not to be “newsy” but informative in a creative way to help promote an event across to the public. There is more to come with Westport, stay tuned.

I get this question a lot, why did I start with real estate?
During one of my trips to Westport for a photoshoot, I noticed it seemed like there was a lot of houses for sale. I believe it was in the start of spring market and as I was driving to Compo Beach my thought was “I never noticed this before, but there is a lot of real estate for sale” and that stayed with me for months. When I was figuring out what I wanted to put on Finding Westport, real estate came to me right away. I haven’t seen a generated list before with different agents – it seems like I have seen ads in the newspaper or online for open houses but not one for someone looking to buy and they can take this generated list and find their next home instead of going to all of these different resources.

When I say, I love what I do – I mean it. I love working with the agents, the small business owners, the photographers. I love getting requests for other towns and using the platform I have created to help others answer their questions, see their verison of Westport or hear their story about how Westport came into their lives. I really didn’t push social media, I did follow a handful of people who worked in real estate and a few small businesses in Westport on instagram and it grew from there. I never thought I would reach 1400 followers on Instagram or 100 likes on Facebook!

I want to give a special shout out to a small group of people. I won’t give any names, they know who they are when they read this. They have helped me by answering my questions, talked me through things when I have a crazy idea, sent me town events, photography to use and made me feel welcome when I walked into their office or shop. I never expected such warm welcome by people who I email weekly asking what is going on in Westport – or asking for their open house list. With their warm hospitality, Westport become my home away from home.

I like to come up with some crazy ideas, this was one of them. Since Finding Westport was turning 1 today. I went to Westport and visited some of amazing people who have helped over the last year. If it was by conversation, or a general question they were there and they wanted to help celebrate too!
The donut was provided by Donut Crazy.

Annette, owner of Savvy & Grace located on Main St.
Matt Costeines, owner of Studio 360 located on Saugatuck Ave.
Georgia Rojas, agent with Halstead, one of the many real estate agents I have met over the last year.
Tom Ayres, partner at Daigle & Travers Insurance located in downtown Westport.
Jennifer Twombly, agent with Raveis located on Riverside Ave.

Thank you for an amazing year! I never imagined it would have been this wonderful! There are a ton of things coming up in our second year. I can’t discuss them yet, but stay tuned!

With much love, peace and Westport,
Seeker of all things Westport

Donut Crazy
Savvy & Grace
Georgia Rojas with Halstead
Studio 360
Jennifer Twombly with Raveis
Daigle & Travers Insurance